Introduction to Sigmund


Sigmund is the name of Headway's proprietary platform that serves as your provider portal. This is your one-stop shop for everything you need to do as a provider with Headway. From filling out your intake form to billing your clients, you can navigate there directly from the Sigmund dashboard.


Getting started with Sigmund

When you log into Sigmund, the default homepage will display a dashboard showing what steps you need to take in order to complete setting up your practice on Headway. Anything completed will have a checkmark next to it, and anything started (but not completed) will have a note that says, "In Progress."

We've included some great provider resources under "Headway How-To." Not seeing the content that you need? Navigate to the left sidebar and select "Get Help," which will launch the Headway Help Center. Here you will find helpful articles and videos, on a wide range of topics!




Navigating within Sigmund

Using the left sidebar on the Sigmund homepage, you can navigate to the following pages that you'll need for your day-to-day as a Headway provider.

Listed below are help center articles that can help explain each section of Sigmund:

Your calendar is where you can manage your calendar availability so clients can start booking with you, but only at the times that you designate. You can also import your Google or Outlook calendar into Sigmund, or export and sync your Sigmund calendar externally!
Providers can transfer over clients that they have been seeing, prior to signing up for Headway. Add your clients into Sigmund via the "Clients" tab (you can always archive them).
Of course, getting paid is an important part of the provider experience at Headway. We handle collecting payment from your clients and then issue you a batched payout twice a month! Use the "Payments" section to get your bank account added.
You can communicate with your clients via any HIPAA-compliant way you'd like, but you can utilize our messaging feature directly from Sigmund as well. If you're interested in learning more about how Headway communicates with your clients and the experience they have, take a look at our article called Headway's client experience.
Insurance Status
It can be frustrating to not know where you are in the process of getting credentialed with an insurance carrier, so we made it easy for you! Head to the "Insurance Status" tab and you can see when you can expect to begin sessions with clients via Headway.

Some insurance companies are more reliable and consistent than others — we do our very best to predict when you’ll be credentialed, but sometimes things are held up on their end that are out of our control.  While we can’t fully control the timeline, we’re committed to giving you updates as we get them.

While it's last in the list, your public profile on Headway is the first thing that your future clients will see. Make sure to optimize your profile to attract more referrals!


Learn more

Visit Headway Academy to access courses designed to help you get started and be successful on Headway. 

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