Seeing clients with secondary insurance


Using secondary insurance coverage on Headway

At this time, Headway is not able to submit claims to secondary insurances, as our systems are not currently configured to support them. Clients must enter only their primary insurance information for verification.

Clients are welcome to submit to their secondary insurance for reimbursement off of the Headway platform. They will receive invoices via email after each session, and can reference and download them directly from their Headway account anytime.


How Headway determines whether a plan is primary or secondary

With the way our system currently works, we rely on insurance portals to pull client benefit information; our system will automatically set a client’s insurance to “inactive” if there is a secondary flag on the client’s coverage. Clients with “inactive” coverage will not be cleared for scheduling and you will not be able to confirm the session details until their active, accepted, primary coverage has been entered.

If you or your client believe that the policy flagged as secondary is actually primary, clients can reach out to their insurance company to further inquire about this.


Resolving coordination of benefits issues

Clients have to recertify their coordination of benefits (COB) yearly and are the only ones who can do this; providers cannot do this on behalf of a client.

The most direct way for clients to update or confirm their COB is to call the insurance number on the back of the insurance ID card. They can say “My provider let me know there’s an issue with my coordination of benefits—could you let me know which of my plans is primary?”

Headway cannot reach out on their behalf.

Once they have confirmed that their coordination of benefits has been updated on the insurance carrier’s end, let us know via our contact form.


Resolving a paused account

If your client's account has been paused, it's because their insurance plan let us know that there’s an issue with their coordination of benefits. This update is something that only the client can do, and there is no action required on your end

Your client should have received an email from us with clear instructions (who to call and what to say) on how to resolve this. They must follow those steps in order to have their account unpaused and be able to continue sessions on Headway. 

If they do not complete this, their Headway account will be paused until they can make this update.

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