Insurance verification


If you see a notice that there’s a problem with the insurance as entered, it means that we may need to reach out to the insurance payer directly to obtain benefit details and eligibility.

Before proceeding: double-check that the date of birth, legal name, and member ID match exactly to the insurance records.

Until insurance is verified, sessions will need to be paused (or held off of the Headway platform), as sessions cannot be billed nor claims submitted until resolved.

Common reasons insurance appears as unverified

  • A typo appears in the insurance information entered
  • The address field shows the insurance company's address instead of the individual on the plan's 
  • The insurance company recently switched a detail of the plan, and the documentation provided reflects a slightly older version
  • The insurance plan has been terminated/expired
  • The plan is administered through Medicare or Medicaid


If still unverified, you can submit an inquiry by clicking "request a manual verification." 


Requesting a manual verification

If the price estimate looks off once our system has verified the benefits, you can request a manual verification.


If you're a client

Option 1
  1. Navigate to your detailed benefits page
  2. Review your benefits there
  3. If something looks off, click “verify benefits” at the bottom of the page to be taken to our contact form
  4. Click the drop down arrow under “I need help with...” 
    • Select the option that best fits what you're experiencing
  5. Follow the prompts to request a manual verification


Option 2
  1. Visit our contact form
  2. Click the drop down arrow under “choose a topic” 
    • Select Billing & Insurance 
  3. Click the drop down arrow under “I need help with...” 
    • Select the option that best fits what you're experiencing
  4. Follow the prompts to request a manual verification

Make sure to have your insurance card available, as we’ll need photos of the front and back to verify your benefits. In addition, have any additional documentation that you feel would be helpful for our team available. 

Examples of especially helpful documentation

  • Billing, claims or incorrect charges: Add an explanation of benefits (EOB) from your insurer. Learn more about EOBs
  • Duplicate charges: Add a bank statement.
  • Screenshots: Include any unexpected error messages or alerts so we can review.


If you're a provider

There are two ways to do this: 

Option 1
  1. Navigate to your client's billing tab
  2. Review their benefits there
  3. If something looks off:
    • Click "contact us" in the warning message above their insurance information, or 
    • Under "Pricing," click "Double-check these benefits"
  4. Under "I need help with"
    • Select the option that best fits what you're experiencing
  5. Select the client you're inquiring about from the drop down list
  6. Confirm that the correct insurance information is listed 
  7. Follow the prompts to request a manual verification


Option 2
  1. Visit our contact form
  2. Click the drop down arrow under “choose a topic” 
    • Select Billing and insurance
  3. Under "I need help with"
    • Select the option that best fits what you're experiencing
  4. Select the client you're inquiring about from the drop down list
  5. Confirm that the correct insurance information is listed 
  6. Follow the prompts to request a manual verification

If you have any additional documentation that you feel would be helpful for our team available, please attach it to your request.  

Examples of especially helpful documentation

  • Insurance card photos: Add photos of the front and back of your client's insurance card.
  • Billing, claims or incorrect charges: Add an explanation of benefits (EOB). Learn more about EOBs
  • Screenshots: Include any unexpected error messages or alerts so we can review.

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